- FEBRUARY 2018 -
Bridge Italy
Pasolini-Matera Fifty years ago the first Gospel in the Sassi
by Giuseppe Massari In 1964 Pier Paolo Pasolini chose the Sassi of Matera as the set for his The gospel according to St. Matthew.Domenico Notarangelo’s photography exhibition shows scene photos and evidences of an event that helped to change the destiny of the town. From “national shame” to “world heritage site” May 2014
“Wood Stone and Friends” Jimmie Durham’s magic vitalism at the MADRE
by Pietro Marino A world famous artist, Durham, an American of Cherokee origin, does not repudiate his ethnic group but does not like to be labeled as “Native”.Also century-old olive tree trunks from Puglia among his works January 2013
Art miracles at Vigna San Martino
by Pietro Marino Patron of the arts Peppe Morra lives on the charming hill. His friendship with the Viennese artist Hermann Nitsch has produced, along with the museum of the same name, so many performances and exhibitions that have created a sensation. The affinity binding the Naples of the miracle of the blood of San Gennaro and the carnality of the works of Nitsch April 2011The Hermann Nitsch Museum From horror to awareness
by Francesca De Filippi Housed in the halls of an old electric power station. Congealed blood, stretchers, phials and surgical instruments, extreme theatricality and provocations so as to generate catharsis in the visitor April 2011Bologna
Do you want to be FICO? In Bologna you can
by Vincenzo Zagà FICO (Fabbrica Italiana Contadina), the biggest agri-food park in the world, is about to open in Bologna in November September 2017Bologna “The Learned”, “The Fat”, “The Red”
by Dario C. Nicoli Its university is one of the most ancient and prestigious in the world; even Dante and Petrarch can be numbered among its former students. And the 80,000 students that are enrolled nowadays make it a lively, cosmopolitan place. Its historical charm is matched by the appeal of the outstanding local cuisine, starting with the mythical tagliatelle November 2011At the MAMbo Arte Povera on display
by Pietro Marino Works from the movement founded in ’67-’68 are brought back to our notice, counterposing primordial elements against the opulence of consumer society. Restlessness that seems to be coming back to the surface with the indignados of today November 2011Polignano
From Brooklyn to Polignano Twelve artists out to conquer Europe
by Pietro Marino “The Still House Group”, an emerging organization of young American artists based in Red Hook, the old port of Brooklyn, have chosen the Museo Pascali in Polignano to present their work in Italy.A collective experience that is getting great results… and already some amazing prices April 2014
With The Revenant DiCaprio rises again and aims for the Oscar
by Giovanni De Benedictis A harsh but mesmerizing film experience, which takes the viewer back to a primeval era of the USA.No less than 12 Academy Award nominations, including best director: for Inarritu the second time running February 2016
Quo Vado? When the southern redneck turns politically correct
by Giovanni De Benedictis The film by the Apulian Checco Zalone is beating all the records at the box-office.The story of the average Italian, male chauvinist, ignorant and cocksure, who turns into a responsible citizen (but then has second thoughts…), manages to make everybody laugh.
“Rice, potato and krill” to reconcile the deep South and the deep North January 2016
When the cinema returns to the future
by Oscar Iarussi The walk and Spectre. Freedom balanced on a tightrope November 2015Best of Italy
Andria Pietro Zito’s vegetable garden This is where his prize-winning dishes originate
by Olimpia Ruffo On the edge of the Alta Murgia Park, in the little village of Montegrosso, stands Antichi Sapori, the restaurant owned by the chef Pietro Zito who over the years has collected an astonishing number of national and international prizes.Seasonal dishes and peasant cooking, using only locally sourced produce, a winning tactic that has also promoted a thriving local micro-economy January 2017
The best Milanese panettone is… Salentine
by Giovanni De Benedictis Originally from Specchia, a charming village in Lower Salento, the master pastrycook Giuseppe Zippo won the title for “Italy’s Best Handmade Panettone 2016” in the National competitions in Milan and Turin.In his pastryshop, “Le mille voglie”, he makes ten different kinds of handmade panettone.
Talent and enthusiasm and above all excellent ingredients are behind his success November 2016
San Marino
“From Hopper to Warhol” on the gentle hills of San Marino
by Pietro Marino In the Republic of Monte Titano an exhibition dedicated to great American painting of the 20th century.Pollock’s Action Painting and Warhol’s Pop Art, but also Edward Hopper, Georgia O’Keeffe, Andrew Wyeth… March 2012
San Marino Historic appeal amidst breathtaking panoramas
by Dario C. Nicoli The extraordinary example of a people who were able to conquer and conserve their freedom without resorting to the use of arms.Declared as a World Heritage site by UNESCO, the tiny Republic is headed by two Captains Regent who take it in turns to govern every six months March 2012
Reggia di Venaria Reale A treasure rediscovered
by Mario T. Barbero Almost forty years after it was built, the magnificent Reggia di Venaria Reale is back to its old splendor.Sumptuous buildings, precious works of art, marble, stucco decorations and enchanting gardens make this Royal Palace of the house of Savoy one of Italy’s greatest attractions February 2014
The Egyptian Museum of Turin The immortal appeal of the Pharaohs
by Mario T. Barbero With well over thirty thousand exhibits, including some priceless items, it is considered the most important museum of Egyptian civilization in the world.Thanks also to a radical restructuring of the spaces and the “Immortali” exhibition, already in progress, it will be among the great attractions of Expo 2015 November 2013
“For President” Photogenic qualities will win the elections
by Pietro Marino An unusual contemporary art exhibition dedicated to the election campaigns for American President is in progress at the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo.It focuses on the mass media as instruments of social manipulation October 2012
So much… In the city of the three “withouts”
by Dario C. Nicoli Rich in history, art and traditions, Padua is a “must” due to some of its gems, like the Cappella degli Scrovegni (1302), completely frescoed by Giotto, and the University Botanic Garden, founded in 1545 June 2012Milan