- FEBRUARY 2018 -
Apulian Cooking
Loaded with vitamins and minerals, they have outstanding properties: they fight free radicals and aging of the skin, they’re diuretic, depurative and promote sound sleep June 2014
Cherries, a miracle of goodness
by Luigi Formisano Puglia is also well-known for its magnificent “Ferrovia” cherries, grown in the areas of Conversano and Turi.Loaded with vitamins and minerals, they have outstanding properties: they fight free radicals and aging of the skin, they’re diuretic, depurative and promote sound sleep June 2014
In its food group, it is the lowest in fat but if you’re on a diet it’s best not to overdo it February 2015
Ricotta Tasty, nutritious and light
by Novella Pranzo Very easy to digest, a source of high biological value protein and very versatile in cooking.In its food group, it is the lowest in fat but if you’re on a diet it’s best not to overdo it February 2015
Soup of cicerchie “alla pizzaiola”
by Dario Ersetti The cicerchia, the tasty pulse found in various parts of Puglia, can be cooked in many ways but “alla pizzaiola” it comes into its own January 2015
Cicerchia In pursuit of old-time flavors
by Luigi Formisano This pulse is rich in protein and starch but it is important to soak it at length, changing the water several times January 2015Marzipan fruit
by Dario Ersetti Marzipan in the shape of fruit, which originated in Sicily as “frutta martorana”, is also very common in Puglia.With the traditional marzipan fish, this “fruit” brightens up the Christmas table December 2014
Troccoli with walnut sauce
by Dario Ersetti Typical of Gargano, this recipe from “poor” cuisine is a real delicacy. Easy to make, healthy and sure to be a success September 2014
Walnuts Topping up on antioxidants
by Novella Pranzo Among their many positive properties, they also lower “bad” cholesterol levels September 2014Spaghetti with clams and samphire
by Dario Ersetti A delicious recipe using sea aspargus, an extremely versatile plant rich in minerals.No tomato, to give a more “marine” flavor, and a variation with shrimps from Gallipoli July 2014
They contain omega 3 but also have high cholesterol and sodium levels July 2014
Clams Low in calories, high in vitamins and minerals
by Novella Pranzo Rich in vitamins of the B-group, they are perfect for those needing to supplement their vegetarian diet.They contain omega 3 but also have high cholesterol and sodium levels July 2014
Lecce’s “rustico”
by Dario Ersetti Delicious street food found in nearly every cafe in Lecce and the surrounding area.Nobody knows where and when it was invented but it is certainly a “cousin” of other delicacies made with pastry similar to our puff pastry in the Balkans and the Middle East June 2014
Pot of spring vegetables
by Dario Ersetti A seasonal dish, light and tasty, best with fresh greens and pulses from Puglia May 2014
Full of potassium and low in sodium, they help to fight water retention May 2014
by Novella Pranzo In contrast to what is commonly believed, they are not very high in calories and have remarkable nutritional qualities.Full of potassium and low in sodium, they help to fight water retention May 2014
Scarcella …one of the Easter delicacies
by Dario Ersetti It has different names in different parts of Puglia. Cuddhura or puddhica in Salento April 2014
Precious in cooking, an essential ingredient in countless recipes, it is the symbol of resurrection and of life April 2014
Eggs, an extraordinary food
by Novella Pranzo Rich in protein of high biological value, vitamins and minerals, eggs are easy to digest and have very few counter-indications.Precious in cooking, an essential ingredient in countless recipes, it is the symbol of resurrection and of life April 2014
Marzotica …a taste of spring
by Dario Ersetti In Puglia a few weeks before the beginning of spring the delicatessens are already displaying the first pieces of marzotica ricotta.Delicious with young raw fava beans, it is also used in many recipes. We will give you two very good ones: “Sagne torte with marzotica” and “Marzotica balls” March 2014
Marzotica ricotta For a calcium hit
by Luigi Formisano Besides being delicious, this cheese is packed with calcium. But it should be eaten in small doses as it has a high calorie and fat content March 2014Maritati with fresh breadcrumbs
by Dario Ersetti Fresh bread crumbs, grated and fried, with anchovies for a simple, mouth-watering dish.Different names for maritati, in the various parts of Puglia but the same meaning: sex February 2014