- FEBRUARY 2018 -
Apulian Cooking
Lecce’s eggplant parmigiana
by Dario Ersetti It was the dish for the Eve of St. Oronzo but made with an abundance of ingredients. It is extremely tasty and there are many different varieties September 2011
Eggplant, depurative and very tasty
by Novella Pranzo It is a food source with many properties, including that of freeing the system from impurities, thus helping to combat cellulite and high cholesterol September 2011Burnt grain
by Dario Ersetti From the original Foggiano paupers’ dish, to an exquisite recipe for refined palates.In the past, after the stubble had been burnt, the peasants could keep the scorched kernels left on the ground for themselves and they used to make flour from it. These days that flavor is achieved by toasting the grain July 2011
Cooking does not dent its nutritional properties July 2011
The tomato king of good health and beauty
by Novella Pranzo It contains lycopene, a substance that has extraordinary antioxidant powers and which prevents many illnesses.Cooking does not dent its nutritional properties July 2011
Pasticciotto, a delight from Salento
by Dario Ersetti A typical treat from Lecce and its surrounding areas, made with a sweet crust and pastry cream.You can find exquisite ones in all the famous pastry shops, but making them at home is not very difficult.
They are best eaten fresh out of the oven June 2011
by Novella Pranzo Irresistible, genuine, and a super nutrient. For sure it is not a dietetic food source, but it packs a lot of energy and puts you in a good mood June 2011Purée of fresh fava beans with chicory from Galatina
by Dario Ersetti A delicious springtime variant on the classic “fava bean purée with chicory”, which is prepared with dried beans.It is easy to make and a sure success May 2011
Fresh fava beans Chock full of energy and beauty
by Novella Pranzo They have the lowest caloric value of all legumes, and are a goldmine of antioxidants, fiber, and precious vitamins and minerals May 2011Orecchiette with broccoli rabe
by Dario Ersetti A dish from long ago, it is cooked in many different ways… April 2011
What makes them good for you…
by Novella Pranzo Orecchiette with broccoli rabe, a typical Mediterranean dish loaded with antioxidants April 2011Museums
Among the trades of the past At Gioia del Colle, in the “Museo della Civiltà Contadina”, the Museum of Rural Civilization
by Francesco Giannini An extraordinarily impressive collection of old objects and tools connected to a great variety of trades.Vito Santoiemma, the museum founder, collected them, starting from the tools of his family’s activity, over several decades. He would like the museum to become a community heritage site November 2016
The Jatta Archeological Museum of Ruvo di Puglia Little and precious
by Lino Patruno In the charming town of Ruvo, whose cathedral vaunts one of the most beautiful Romanesque rose-windows, a national museum that offers visitors a plunge into Magna Grecia, midst earthenware, jewels and weapons.On the magnificent vase of Talos, the naked body of the dying hero is a scene of tormenting melancholy October 2013
The fascinating archaeological itinerary of the Museo Provinciale in Lecce
by Antonio Cassiano Founded in 1868 by the charismatic Duke Sigismondo Castromediano the museum, rich in archaeological finds, offers itineraries on various subjects: prehistory, the Messapians, Romans, the Middle Ages, Baroque Age and also works by contemporary artists January 2013And the sea gets its own museum In Gallipoli
by Nicolò Carnimeo It was set up thanks to the dedication of its honorary chairman, Giorgio Cataldini, and contains the most important collection of cetaceans in Puglia.As well as the zoological part there is a project to include the history of fishing and the Gallipoli merchant fleet in the exhibition. And that of the tunny-fishing, recently re-discovered thanks to a book by Giuseppe Albahari and Luigi Tricarico December 2012
Rudolph Valentino The myth of a silent-movie sex symbol that never wanes
by Lino Patruno In his home town Castellaneta, in the province of Taranto, a small museum with precious mementoes and curiosities.Hollywood, where he gained his reputation, conserves his remains October 2012
A boat for Massimo
We are pleased to publish a contribution by Marco Carani, a tourism operator from Villanova di Ostuni, who has equipped a boat with access for the disabled.Something he could never forget: “I would love to get into a boat … but I can’t walk” April 2016
The wives and lovers of Frederick II: a book to “tell their tale”
by Lino Patruno In Tutte le donne dell’Imperatore the author, historian Bianca Tragni, paints beautiful portraits from a female perspective. And she reconstructs, through them, the figure of the – despite everything – great Frederick December 2013If we re-evoke “Rina’s island” from Salento…
by Giovanni Invitto A documentary film and a book, care of Caterina Geradi, bearing witness to the importance of the Salento writer Rina Durante. Starting with her childhood on the island of Saseno, in Albania September 2013Giuseppe De Dominicis, the humble man’s poet
by Sergio D’Amaro Born in Cavallino, in the province of Lecce, in 1869, he is one of the major poets in Salento dialect.Bohemian and eccentric, known also by the name of Capitano Black and other nicknames, he has produced some irresistible, copious and polyhedric dialect works, centering on themes of social justice June 2013
Tusiani’s world of memories in a concert in Foggia
by Sergio D’Amaro Inspired by the poem Maste Peppe cantarine a concert of the Solisti Dauni, directed by Maestro Domenico Losavio, with music by Teresa Procaccini, is the latest of a precious series of Joseph Tusiani’s works in dialect that have been put on stage.The figure of the cobbler “Maste Peppe” is uncertain whether to choose a happy and simple life or one of risky ambitions of becoming rich December 2012